Saturday, March 27, 2010

When Kingdoms collide

Lately I have become increasingly interested (again) in politics. When I was a teenager I was a page for our US Senator and got really interested in politics. However, as I grew older, the interest faded.

I wonder if I lost that interest years ago was because of the rank hypocrisy by which so many of us work and live, especially politicians – we say one thing and do another, ad nauseum. coin-in-god-we-trustI wonder if that internal/external disconnect created (or touched) a subconscious fear in me that I just chose to avoid.

I don’t know. But as I continue my walk with Him in recovery, fears seem to slip away. Mind you, I still get scared from time in ordinary life – I certainly don’t want to get whacked by a semi while on the highway.

But since the fear of death, or perhaps the fear of what happens after death, has largely gone away, I wonder if this new freedom from fear has unearthed some old passions and desires that God long ago placed in my heart, one of which is politics.

Who knows. But I bet He will reveal that to me in His time.

I look forward to walking that with Him and finding out.

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