Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Burying my talents

I need to quit burying my talents. I've come to realize that I bury my talents out of a fear of rejection, a fear of not being perfect, a fear of not getting your approval. So instead of stepping up to the plate and giving it a shot, I just refuse to step up to the plate - I bury my talents.

That is not living life fully as God intends and wishes for me, it is self centered protection of me, me, me - my ego kicking my ass. I've always been afraid of being hurt- physically or emotionally - a conflict avoider - a life avoider.

Fear, fear, fear.

God - i pray that you will remove my fear. I surrender and turn my will and my life over to your care. I pray that I know that in my surrender to you there is nothing to fear from my fellow man - that everything will come about in your plan.

I love you dearly.

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