Monday, April 25, 2011

The Existential Quiz - My Results

I'm not sure what to make of this, but when  I took the quiz, this is what it said:

The Existential Quiz
Your Result: You are Kierkegaard's KNIGHT OF FAITH!
You are an existentialist at heart but still believe in a God. You realize that faith does not mean blindly going to church and following a couple of meaningless rules. Faith and life for you are both an arduous and private journey that requires a personal relationship with God. Talking about your faith is useless. No one  will understand your conviction. You make your own path to faith and redemption. A true Christian existentialist!
You are Camus' ABSURD MAN!
You are Dostoevsky's UNDERGROUND MAN!
You are Nietzsche's UBERMAN!
The Existential Quiz
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

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